Tuesday, August 28, 2007

MN State Fair

I think it's been, say, 12 years since I've been to a state fair. The Librarian, and her family, however, go to the MN state fair every year. It was quite the family affiar. We were up and at the fair at like 9 in the morning and started eating shortly there after. If there was anything besides my current injury to kill my training dead was this state fair. The amount of food I ate was seriously offensive. And delicious, soo delicious. We had everything from hotdogs, to funnel cakes, to fried fruit on a stick, to Sloppy joe on a stick, the food on a stick thing was very popular up there. I even got some Kashi, and that earned a couple of odd looks from the Librarian's parents.

Bondage Sheep.

I was also, ahem, restrained from battling any of the farm animals. Even though, the Librarian's mom did give me explicit permission to do battle with my nemesis, the cow. We ended up leaving around 9 at night and I don't think it was possible to sleep on my stomach that night. The only bad part of the fair was that I have shot back up to 200 pounds. I'm going to have to work hard on getting rid of that.


Anonymous said...

you ate kashi at the state fair? not only is that completely gay, it's probably why you pooped so much. i guess instead of fisticuffs you could have gotten into some sort of "methane-off" with the livestock. . .next year, perhaps.

i think we are about even re bucktown. i was inexplicably the workout queen in SF (mainly due to waking up at 6am california time every day), but have been a complete slug now that i am back. i am willing to guess that labor day weekend is not exactly going to be healthful either. . .mark my words, though, sept. 30 it is going down like a whale in a boat.

Nick said...

Whoops, I meant to publish this last week. I guess I hit the button wrong.

Man, I'll let you talk a whole bunch of shit about everything, but I won't allow you to defame the wonder that is Kashi. I will now have to find someone to suicide bomb you.

Whale in a boat eh? Can we find some Native Americans to machine gun the whale first? Too soon? Too obscure?