Monday, August 13, 2007


Aka, last post for today.

Today marked the first day of training for the Bucktown 5k. I have to get in much better shape so I can reclaim my honor and dignity from Pookie. Worse comes to worse, I’m going to Tazer her before the race. You might say, wait, your giving away your game plan here, Pookie’s gonna know what’s up with you before the race. I say good. That will motivate me to actually beat her, and perhaps, strike some fear in to her mean little corporate heart.

Anyway, I weighed in a nice round 197 pounds this morning. I’d like to drop that down to 187 for the race. It would be nice to run the race a nice 10 pounds lighter, even lighter than the Sox race. I had a respectable time of 29:18 there, and I’d like to beat that by 5 minutes. That might not put me in contention against Pookie, but it will at least be a respectable loss.

Today’s run was a Nike+ endurance interval. Ten minutes of bad music (Pussycat Dolls) to warm up, then 4 sets of three minutes of hard running (and bad music) followed by 3 minutes of rest running (and bad music, this mix really sucks) followed by 10 minutes of cool down (actually a cool Pharrell song). My warm up was good; I managed about a 7 min/k pace. The first two sets were good, I felt like I was charging, including a good uphill over the bridge at Bubbly Creek. The second sets, well, they sucked. I had to drop down to a walk for most of the rest sets and my legs were shot by the end of the run. I clocked in about 6.5k in roughly 50 minutes. The cool down was pretty hard and my legs were cramping by the end. I also walked a little at the end. Holy crap, I’m sweating just thinking about the run today.

After the run, my body felt ok for the most part. I had some lingering cramps from Saturday’s adventure race before the run and my calves were not happy to run today. As the day wore on though, my right knee has started to bug me. I feel like someone is digging around in there with a flat head screwdriver. I’m going to ice it and see how that feels. It better not complain too much, I’m running a easy 5k tomorrow whether it likes it or not.

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