Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Sun-Times

As a newspaper, the Chicago Sun-Times is perhaps a step above the Onion. At least on a good day. Today for the most part, I felt like I would have got more information if I would have read Maxim or perhaps whatever the Pakistani national paper is. However, the Sun-Times should be applauded for bringing me this quote from Chicago Alderwoman Lorna Lane:

"There are residents within our ward who have neighbors raising chickens as pets. They're letting them run around in their backyards. Debris from the chickens is creating mice. The odor from the feathers is something they're not happy with."

I could rail against the city goverment wasting it's time with this crap instead of doing something important, like say, fixing the CTA. But no, I would like to call your attention to one particular sentance.

"Debris from the chickens is creating mice."

I'm no scientist, but I thought mice created other mice. Hell, you can even be religious and say that God created the mice. Or you can be an Alderwoman and think that chicken "debris" created the mice.

If I can't get a job, I'm running for city council, I'm obviously over-qualified.

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